Foster Wheeler clinches Zirku contract

Switzerland-based engineering and construction group Foster Wheeler has won a contract to carry out an availability and reliability study on the possible expansion of Abu Dhabi’s Zirku oil processing facilities.

Foster Wheeler was awarded the contract by Abu Dhabi-based oil company Zakum Development Co (Zadco), formed in order to develop the Upper Zakum oil field on behalf of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company and other shareholders, namely ExxonMobil and the Japan Oil Development Company.

Under the terms of the deal, Foster Wheeler will carry out site surveys, examine expansion options and suggest ways to remove bottlenecks at the plant. It will also create an overall masterplan based on availability and reliability studies.

One option will then be selected, for which Foster Wheeler will prepare the basis of design and the work required to take the project forward.

Zirku Island is located 140 kilometres north-west of Abu Dhabi and is considered the main industrial base for the processing, storage and export of oil from the Upper Zakum, Umm Al-Dalkh and Satah fields.

The value of the contract has not yet been revealed.

Headquartered in Geneva, Foster Wheeler has been in business for more than 115 years, and today employs approximately 12,000 people in 28 countries worldwide.